Results for 'Ronald L. Graham'

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  1.  12
    On the history of the Euclidean Steiner tree problem.Martin Zachariasen, Doreen A. Thomas, Ronald L. Graham & Marcus Brazil - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (3):327-354.
    The history of the Euclidean Steiner tree problem, which is the problem of constructing a shortest possible network interconnecting a set of given points in the Euclidean plane, goes back to Gergonne in the early nineteenth century. We present a detailed account of the mathematical contributions of some of the earliest papers on the Euclidean Steiner tree problem. Furthermore, we link these initial contributions with results from the recent literature on the problem.
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    The future of Christian social ethics: essays on the work of Ronald H. Preston, 1913-2001.Elaine L. Graham & Esther D. Reed (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Continnum.
    This special volume of Studies in Christian Ethics constitutes the most significant continuation to date of Christian social ethics in the tradition of Ronald Preston. It brings together leading scholars and new voices in the field from around the world, covering a broad range of contemporary issues, including globalisation, poverty, feminism, civil society, economics and religious pluralism.
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    The Ethics of Species: An Introduction.Ronald L. Sandler - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    We are causing species to go extinct at extraordinary rates, altering existing species in unprecedented ways and creating entirely new species. More than ever before, we require an ethic of species to guide our interactions with them. In this book, Ronald L. Sandler examines the value of species and the ethical significance of species boundaries and discusses what these mean for species preservation in the light of global climate change, species engineering and human enhancement. He argues that species possess (...)
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  4. Why everything doesn't realize every computation.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1994 - Minds and Machines 4 (4):403-420.
    Some have suggested that there is no fact to the matter as to whether or not a particular physical system relaizes a particular computational description. This suggestion has been taken to imply that computational states are not real, and cannot, for example, provide a foundation for the cognitive sciences. In particular, Putnam has argued that every ordinary open physical system realizes every abstract finite automaton, implying that the fact that a particular computational characterization applies to a physical system does not (...)
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  5. Darwinism Comes to America.Ronald L. Numbers - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (2):415-417.
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    Review of Ronald L. Cohen: Justice: Views from the Social Sciences.[REVIEW]Ronald L. Cohen - 1991 - Ethics 101 (2):415-416.
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    Creation by Natural Law: Laplace's Nebular Hypothesis in American Thought.Ronald L. Numbers - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (1):167-169.
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    Efficient retrieval from sparse associative memory.Ronald L. Greene - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (2):395-410.
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    Food Ethics: The Basics.Ronald L. Sandler - 2014 - Routledge.
    Food Ethics: The Basics is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the ethical dimensions of the production and consumption of food. It offers an impartial exploration of the most prominent ethical questions relating to food and agriculture including: • Should we eat animals? • Are locally produced foods ethically superior to globally sourced foods? • Do people in affluent nations have a responsibility to help reduce global hunger? • Should we embrace bioengineered foods? • What should be the role of (...)
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  10.  46
    Images of natural evil.Ronald L. Hall - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 87 (3):213-216.
  11.  15
    Conditions for Consciousness and Phenomenological Elimination.Ronald L. Barnette - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:162-167.
    Computer simulation models of mentality and brain theory each, confront a challenge that they do not account for all the data of psychology: the category of contents of consciousness, as a phenomenologist would call it, seems completely untouched by these physicalistic analyses. In my paper I provide a sketch of a possible approach to explaining conditions for ascription of consciousness which is compatible with computer-theoretic and brain-theoretic models.
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    Conservation Philosophy After the End of 'Nature'?Ronald L. Sandler - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (4):379-400.
    The concept ‘nature’ and the role it has played in conservation philosophy have been criticized on theoretical and ethical grounds. Theoretical critiques include that it is ambiguous and implies a false human-nature dichotomy and/or human exceptionalism. Ethical critiques include that it has been used to justify unjust conservation practices, such as colonial erasure and displacing Indigenous and local peoples from their lands. More recently, the concept has been criticized on the grounds that under conditions of high rate and high magnitude (...)
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  13.  19
    Creation by Natural Law: Laplace's Nebular Hypothesis in American Thought.Ronald L. Numbers - 1977
    Belief in the divine origin of the universe began to wane most markedly in the nineteenth century, when scientific accounts of creation by natural law arose to challenge traditional religious doctrines. Most of the credit - or blame - for the victory of naturalism has generally gone to Charles Darwin and the biologists who formulated theories of organic evolution. Darwinism undoubtedly played the major role, but the supporting parts played by naturalistic cosmogonies should also be acknowledged. Chief among these was (...)
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    Aristotle on Stasis: A Moral Psychology of Political Conflict.Ronald L. Weed - 2007 - Berlin: Logos Verlag.
    Ronald Weed's book offers a fresh investigation of political conflict in Aristotle's Politics. While there have been a number of studies on stasis or factional conflict, few provide a thorough analysis of its intractable character dimensions. Weed presents a highly original and provocative analysis of the moral psychology of factional conflict in the middle books of the Politics, arguing that the character deficiencies of a citizenry are the central causes of stasis and indispensable for understanding both the nature of (...)
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    Editorial preface vol. 70.2.Ronald L. Hall - 2011 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 70 (2):107-108.
    Editorial preface vol. 70.2 Content Type Journal Article Category Editorial Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s11153-011-9321-6 Authors Ronald L. Hall, Department of Philosophy, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, USA Journal International Journal for Philosophy of Religion Online ISSN 1572-8684 Print ISSN 0020-7047.
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    The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism.Ronald L. Numbers & William Kimler - 1995 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 38 (4):659.
  17.  61
    Broken Covenant: A Case Study in Employee Relations Ethics.Ronald L. Smith - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (1):105-114.
    Employee relations ethics, or the lack thereof, is a problem and an issue in both private and public organizations. This article is a case study in military ERE. A retired career Naval officer, I discuss problems of downsizing and retrenchment from a "military" perspective in terms of what I refer to as a "broken covenant.".
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    On the distinction between individual deserving and distributive justice.Ronald L. Cohen - 1979 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 9 (2):167–185.
  19. Character and Environment: A Virtue-Oriented Approach to Environmental Ethics.Ronald L. Sandler (ed.) - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Virtue ethics is now widely recognized as an alternative to Kantian and consequentialist ethical theories. However, moral philosophers have been slow to bring virtue ethics to bear on topics in applied ethics. Moreover, environmental virtue ethics is an underdeveloped area of environmental ethics. Although environmental ethicists often employ virtue-oriented evaluation (such as respect, care, and love for nature) and appeal to role models (such as Henry Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, and Rachel Carson) for guidance, environmental ethics has not been well informed (...)
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  20. European Review of Philosophy, Volume 1: Philosophy of Mind.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1994 - Stanford: CSLI Publications.
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  21. Studies in the Labor Theory of Value.Ronald L. Meek - 1957 - Science and Society 21 (3):277-279.
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  22. Mohamed talbi's ideas on Islam and politics: A conception of Islam for the modern world.Ronald L. Nettler - 2000 - In Ronald L. Nettler, Mohamed Mahmoud & John Cooper (eds.), Islam and modernity: Muslim intellectuals respond. London: I. B. Tauris.
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  23. Brainwashing and Responsible Action.Ronald L. Barnette - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):61.
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    Civil Religion in Political Thought.Ronald L. Weed & John von Heyking (eds.) - 2010 - CUA Press.
    The essays in this volume blend historical and philosophical reflection with concern for contemporary political problems. They show that the causes and motivations of civil religion are a permanent fixture of the human condition, though some of its manifestations and proximate causes have shifted in an age of multiculturalism, religious toleration, and secularization.
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  25. Ritual Criticism: Case Studies in Its Practice, Essays on Its Theory.Ronald L. Grimes - 1990
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    A Problematic in Environmental Ethics: Western and Eastern Styles.Ronald L. Massanari - 1998 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 18:37.
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  27. Value-judgments in economics.Ronald L. Meek - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (58):89-96.
  28.  53
    The Human Embrace: The Love of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Love
    Kierkegaard, Cavell, Nussbaum.
    Ronald L. Hall - 1999 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Starting from Søren Kierkegaard's insight that fully accepting the human condition requires one to live with the persistent temptation to escape from it, Ronald Hall finds similar concerns reflected in the work of two modern-day philosophers, Stanley Cavell and Martha Nussbaum, who equally find in a philosophy of love and marriage the key to understanding how humans may achieve happiness in the acceptance of their humanity. All three thinkers follow a "logic of paradox" in showing how success in the (...)
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    The Economics of Control Prefigured by Sir James Steuart.Ronald L. Meek - 1958 - Science and Society 22 (4):289 - 305.
  30. Learning in Non-superpositional Quantum Neurocomputers.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1996 - In Paavo Pylkkänen & Pauli Pylkkö (eds.), Brain, Mind & Physics.
    A distinction is made between superpositional and non-superpositional quantum computers. The notion of quantum learning systems - quantum computers that modify themselves in order to improve their performance - is introduced. A particular non-superpositional quantum learning system, a quantum neurocomputer, is described: a conventional neural network implemented in a system which is a variation on the familiar two-slit apparatus from quantum physics. This is followed by a discussion of the advantages that quantum computers in general, and quantum neurocomputers in particular, (...)
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  31. Problem Solving in Social Studies Education: Implications of Research on Problem Solving and Cooperative Learning.Ronald L. VanSickle - 1990 - Journal of Social Studies Research 14 (1):33-43.
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    Game tree searching by min/max approximation.Ronald L. Rivest - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 34 (1):77-96.
  33.  78
    Climate Change and Ecosystem Management.Ronald L. Sandler - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (1):1-15.
    This article addresses the implications of rapid and uncertain ecological change, and global climate change in particular, for reserve oriented and restoration oriented ecosystem management. I argue for the following conclusions: (1) rapid and uncertain ecological change undermines traditional justifications for reserve oriented and restoration oriented ecosystem management strategies; (2) it requires rethinking ecosystem management goals, not just developing novel strategies (such as assisted colonization) to accomplish traditional goals; (3) species preservation ought to be deemphasized as an ecosystem management goal; (...)
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    (1 other version)The creationists.Ronald L. Numbers - 1987 - Zygon 22 (2):133-164.
    As the crusade to outlaw the teaching of evolution changed to a battle for equal time for creationism, the ideological defenses of that doctrine also shifted from primarily biblical to more scientific grounds. This essay describes the historical development of “scientific creationism” from a variety of late–nineteenth– and early–twentieth–century creationist reactions to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, through the Scopes trial and the 1960s revival of creationism, to the current spread of strict creationism around the world.
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  35. Chemical characterization of archaeological ceramics at the Conservation Analytical Laboratory.Ronald L. Bishop & Lambertus Van Zelst - 1997 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 5:46-52.
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    A view from anywhere Prospects for an objective understanding.Ronald L. Chrisley - 2001 - In Paavo Pylkkänen & Tere Vadén (eds.), Dimensions of Conscious Experience. John Benjamins. pp. 37--3.
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  37. Connectionism, Cognitive Maps and the Development of Objectivity.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1993 - AI Review 7:329-354.
    It is claimed that there are pre-objective phenomena, which cognitive science should explain by employing the notion of non-conceptual representational content. It is argued that a match between parallel distributed processing (PDP) and non-conceptual content (NCC) not only provides a means of refuting recent criticisms of PDP as a cognitive architecture; it also provides a vehicle for NCC that is required by naturalism. A connectionist cognitive mapping algorithm is used as a case study to examine the affinities between PDP and (...)
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  38. Weak Strong AI: An elaboration of the English Reply to the Chinese Room.Ronald L. Chrisley - unknown
    Searle (1980) constructed the Chinese Room (CR) to argue against what he called \Strong AI": the claim that a computer can understand by virtue of running a program of the right sort. Margaret Boden (1990), in giving the English Reply to the Chinese Room argument, has pointed out that there isunderstanding in the Chinese Room: the understanding required to recognize the symbols, the understanding of English required to read the rulebook, etc. I elaborate on and defend this response to Searle. (...)
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  39. The Scientific Enterprise in America: Readings from Isis.Ronald L. Numbers, Charles E. Rosenberg & S. Hong - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (3):323-324.
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    Clarifying creationism: five common myths.Ronald L. Numbers - 2011 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (1):129-139.
  41.  72
    In the Shadow of the Enlightenment, The Plight of the Humanities in an Age of Scientific Objectivism.Ronald L. Hall - 1985 - Tradition and Discovery 13 (1):19-25.
  42. Externalism before language: The real reason why “thoughts ain't in the head”.Ronald L. Chrisley - unknown
    It is argued that standard arguments for the Externalism of mental states do not succeed in the case of pre-linguistic mental states. Further, it is noted that standard arguments for Internalism appeal to the principle that our individuation of mental states should be driven by what states are explanatory in our best cognitive science. This principle is used against the Internalist to reject the necessity of narrow individuation of mental states, even in the prelinguistic case. This is done by showing (...)
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  43. The ontological status of computational states.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1994 - In European Review of Philosophy, Volume 1: Philosophy of Mind. Stanford: CSLI Publications. pp. 55-75.
  44. Marx and Engels on Malthus.Ronald L. Meek & Dorothea L. Meek - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (4):365-367.
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    Malthus—Yesterday and Today.Ronald L. Meek - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (1):21 - 51.
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    Transfer of color matching in pigeons.Ronald L. Menlove & Charles P. Shimp - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (3):157-159.
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    Moving places: a comment on the traveling Vietnam Memorial.Ronald L. Hall - 2001 - Philosophy and Geography 4 (2):219-224.
    (2001). Moving places: A comment on the traveling Vietnam Memorial. Philosophy & Geography: Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 219-224.
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    No Doubt About It.Ronald L. Hall - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (3):279-295.
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    Creation-Evolution Debates: A ten-Volume Anthology of Documents, 1903–1961.Ronald L. Numbers - 1995 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1995, Creation-Evolution Debates is the second volume in the series, Creationism in Twentieth Century America, reissued in 2021. The volume comprises eight debates from the early 1920s and 1930s between prominent evolutionists and creationists of the time. The original sources detail debates that took place either orally or in print, as well as active debates between creationists over the true meaning of Genesis I. The essays in this volume feature prominent discussions between the likes of Edwin Grant (...)
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    Selected Works of George Mccready Price: A ten-Volume Anthology of Documents, 1903–1961.Ronald L. Numbers - 1995 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1995, The Selected Works of George McCready Price is the seventh volume in the series, Creationism in Twentieth Century America, reissued in 2019. The volume brings together the original writings and pamphlets of George McCready Price, a leading creationist of the early antievolution crusade of the 1920s. McCready Price labelled himself the 'principal scientific authority of the Fundamentalists' and as a self-taught scientist he enjoyed more scientific repute amongst fundamentalists of the time. This interesting and unique collection (...)
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